We went to Paso Flores (an Estancia which is basically a giant ranch) and it has so many things to do. We only stayed there two nights, though. I was really excited about fishing. We went in the afternoon. We drove over to the fishing area. On the way we passed awesome mountains, a beautiful view and some petrified wood. Petrified wood is like wood that has been sitting there for a long time and turns into rock.
We walked to the fishing area of the lake and we did lots and lots of throws. Instead of “lazy man fishing” we kept on throwing it, reeling it in, throwing it, reeling it in, throwing it…. We came at the afternoon and Dad always told me about fishing that they want to be fed in the morning or at dinnertime, not in the afternoon. We kept on reeling it and my hand hurt so I took a break. Right when I was going down, Mom said “Nate come over here” in a whisper. She found a fish…an actual fish… that was dead. I think Mom wanted to put it on a hook and say “look what Nate caught, look what Nate caught” But then Dad came over and said, “What are you screaming about?” and then he looked at the fish and it was too late to trick him.
While I was taking my break, Mom and I were looking for all different colored rocks that we liked. We found at least twenty that we liked and then we put them in the water and they were even cooler.
When Brock opened the backpack he was trying to look for crackers. All of Dad’s papers were blowing into the ocean and I had to go get them all… it was freezing… lucky for me. (Yes, that’s sarcastic.) Time was up and we didn’t get any fish but it was okay.
A little bit afterwards we went swimming and then we went on my favorite horseback ride ever. It was a big horse, not the little puny ones I usually ride. It was big and the real deal. We started going and it was really bumpy but fun. We passed so many animals – a bunch of sheep that were separate but if you say “bunch” really loud, they all come together. We also saw horses, cows and alpacas. One of the sheep bunch had a black sheep. The guide said look at that black sheep over there. We cannot use the wool. If we find even one little strain of black wool, we can’t use it. But, it is good for the sheep’s protection. We rode all over the mountains, up top and passed some huge rocks and were basically in the middle of nowhere.
Second fishing trip: We went over and asked the guide, can we go fishing now? He said, “Well, I was just going to check my computer to see when it would be the best time to go fishing”. He went to check his computer and said “how about 6:30” so we planned on that. We went home, relaxed until 6:30 and then we got all our stuff and went into the boat. The man asked if we wanted to bring the dog. He said he didn’t really care because he brings it every time. We said yes and the dog jumped on to the boat from the dock.
He started going slowly in the boat at first and then he started going super fast. The wind was blowing my hair and then he actually taught us how to fish. (Not like Paso Flores.) It was fun because we didn’t have to fish, reel it in, fish, reel it in. We just did lazy man fishing. He showed us how to do it and started going slowly. We were hanging out, relaxing and then he told us if we hear the screeching sound that means the fish pulled and the dog goes crazy. We did it once to test if the dog really goes crazy and the dog jumped up. We were hanging back, relaxing…. and we heard a screeeech…. I didn’t hear it but everybody else did. I jumped up (because everyone else was) and ran to the fishing pole and started reeling it in. It was hard so I let Dad help. We kept on reeling it in. I couldn’t see it and they said “look!” it was huge. Bigger than any fish I have ever seen in San Francisco. And the first one I have caught since I was really little. It was 3 kilos… almost 7 pounds!! Fishing in Bariloche on the boat was a blast (of air)!
Mike and Weezie came to visit and we went rafting. It was really cool and I got used to the paddling and the rythm of the water. I liked the rapids the most and here are some of my favorite rapids: "Sambo" where when you went down the rapid you twirled the boat into circles. I liked it because we went around and around and we got kind of dizzy. I liked the "hippo" too. It was a three level rapid and I got splashed a lot. At the end, we had a dessert and it was biscuits with jelly and the biscuits were really good.